Finance Privacy Policy

Mercury Finance is committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal and credit information.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect and manage your information, how you can access that information if you wish and how you can complain if you are not satisfied with our policies and processes.

The full Privacy Policy is available here (PDF)

Credit Reporting Policy

In managing your credit reporting information, we comply with the ARCA Credit Reporting Privacy Code and, to the extent relevant, the ARCA Credit Reporting Data Standard and the Data Exchange Administrator's Principles of Reciprocity & Data Exchange.

This Credit Reporting Policy sets out what credit information we obtain, how it is disclosed, to whom and under what circumstances. It also sets out your rights to access that credit information, have it corrected where necessary and to lodge a complaint if you are dissatisfied with how we manage your credit, or any other, information.

The full Credit Reporting Policy is available here (PDF)