31 mars 2020

Stay Healthy and Safe During Challenging Times

Mercury looks to protect customers, employees and partners.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced dramatic change upon all of us. During these unprecedented and difficult times, we at Mercury Marine hope first and foremost that you are healthy and safe.

As the situation initially unfolded, Mercury Marine took quick action to ensure the safety and well-being of employees, partners, and customers. Like many organizations, Mercury has suspended some manufacturing while implementing new processes to serve customers and assist Mercury boaters. Distribution centers continue to deliver products, even as enhanced safety measures protect team members. Customer support teams may be working remotely, but they still deliver the consistent and helpful experience you expect from Mercury.

While none of us can predict all the coming changes, Mercury closely follows the ongoing reporting from global and U.S. health agencies to assess the potential impact and further necessary actions. Like you, we hope for better and safer times soon. In the meantime, we are coordinating with local and global suppliers as we prepare to restart production.

Mercury has also donated masks to local hospitals and first responders to support their efforts and keep the first line of defense healthy against the coronavirus. 

We know you love your time boating and want you to be safe, so you can enjoy time on the water for years to come. While boating may be social-distancing-friendly, please follow the advice of health pros to minimize the chance of coronavirus transmission.

#goboldly #mercurymarineunite