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Nov. 21, 2019

Love in Adventure

Boating boldly into their dreams.

Earlier this summer, Kyle and Missy Lukey set sail on their refurbished 40-foot sailboat Macushla. They started off east of Sheboygan, Wisconsin on the first leg of their incredible journey. Their planned route will take them across the Great Lakes, down the Erie Canal to the Hudson River and New York City, then south along the Eastern Seaboard to Virginia, where they will leave the calm waters of the Intercoastal Waterway and veer southeast nearly 1,500 miles to their semifinal destination – the British Virgin Islands.

Macushla (Gaelic for “Pulse of my Heart”) will remain their anchored home in the warm waters of the Virgin Islands until late March of 2020, when they will store their boat and catch flights back to Wisconsin, back to their jobs. Sort of.

Their current adventure is actually just the first chapter of what they hope will become a never-ending story.

Not long after Missy and Kyle met a few years ago, they fell in love – first with one another, then with sailing – so much so that they did what many wish they could or would do: they bought a boat, walked away from their lives and careers, and sailed away. It was a bold step, especially considering that Kyle was an F16 pilot in the military and Missy was navigating a successful career up the corporate ladder.

But their first sailboat trip had been life-changing. They discovered – not without first experiencing seasickness – that sailing could not only take them across beautiful lakes and stunning seas, but it could also transport them virtually everywhere they wanted to go. And, after the initial expense of purchasing and preparing their boat, sailing was economical compared to other forms of long-distance travel.

When they return next spring to Wisconsin, their goal and plans are already locked in. They will work hard and live frugally, saving funds and preparing for the next leg of their journey – a sailboat trip from the British Virgin Islands to wherever their curiosity and dreams will lead them.

Please watch the attached video to learn more about Missy and Kyle, then read periodic updates as Missy shares entries from her journal.

Follow Missy and Kyle’s adventures:

Love in Adventure
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